Location: Shopping and Residential Area Černý Most
Address : Chlumecká leading to Prague, Praha 4
Placement : Outdoors, on a free-standing steel pole, Chlumecká street
Dimensions: 56 m2 – 900 x 620 cm
Ratio: 4:3 – 1024 x 768 px
Operation time: 6:00 – 22:00 – 16 hrs
Description of Location:
A very busy shopping and residential area in the northern suburbs of Prague.
In close proximity: Makro, Hornbach, Sconto, Toyota, Humanic, KFC, McDonald‘s, Ikea, Centrum Černý Most and bus station of inter-city and inner-city lines terminus of B metro line. The screen is placed on a pole in the close vicinity of Chlumecká street leading to Prague from Hradec Králové and Mladá Boleslav.
Screen‘s Potential:
Daily Traffic Count: 71 400 people
Pedestrians: 17 700 people a day
Motorists: 53 700 people a day
Locations: shopping area / residential area
Position : main road in and out of Prague - Hradce Králové and Mladá Boleslav
Roadway: ma in road / street / crossroads / car park
Surroundings: Public transport (metro, bus stations) / shopping malls / pe trol stations /
restaurrants / supermarkets / car showroom / newsagent
Visibility: over 200 m
GPS coordinates: 50.10965N, 14.5766E