Location: Shopping zone – Budějovická pedestrian corridor
Address : Olbrachtova 1946/64, 140 00 Prague 4 – Krč
Placement : Outdoor on the footbridge
Dimensions: 3,84 m2 – 210 × 160 cm
Ratio: 16 : 9 – 1280 × 720 px
Operation time: 6:00 a. m. – 10:00 p. m. (16 hours )
Description of location:
The screen is located on the footbridge above the pedestrian zone of the DBK shopping centre, near the metro station Budějovická - complex of office buildings and banking houses, Budějovická polyclinic, Prague 4 Municipal Office.
Screen‘s potential:
Monthly reach: 234 679 passants
Location: business district / residential area
Position : ipedestrian zone of OC DBK
Roadway: pedestrian zone
Surroundings: metro station / department stores / restaurants / supermarket / banking houses
Visibility: over 250 m
GPS coordinates: 50.04446 N, 14.44853 E